You can’t out-give God.
Help share the power of God by supporting our ministries with your tithes and offerings. Giving financially is easy online and on-the-go with our mobile app and texting service.
Your consistent support helps us continue to offer ministry that connects people with the real, living God.
We believe that giving generously to God’s work honors Him. Your financial gifts enable Revive Church to advance His Kingdom.
Members of Revive Church regularly give a tithe (the first 10 percent of their income) to the Lord. We also give offerings in addition to the tithe.
Your tithes and offerings go to many Kingdom opportunities including:
- Helping people experience the life-changing presence of God.
- Offering strong life-changing Bible teaching and dynamic worship services.
- Connecting you with strong believers of all ages.
- Giving you opportunities to use your spiritual giftings and natural talents.
Your gifts also allow our leadership team to help support Outreach & Missions including missionaries, streaming interactive church services and the House of Hope and Healing.

Give Online
Give NowOur online Giving and Connections portal allows easy access to online giving, pledge management, and quick sign-ups for events and small groups. You can create an account in seconds, and giving is easy and secure.

Give via Text
Text GIVE and the AMOUNT to
(ex: GIVE 200)
If you haven't set up your account for text-to-give, you’ll receive a text back with a link to complete the registration process. Text-to-Give is fast, simple, and is never charged to your phone bill.

Give in Person
Just drop in cash or check as the basket passes down your row during weekend services. Envelopes are provided by the ushers.
Giving kiosks also are available at the View High Welcome Center for easy giving via credit card or checking account.
Checks can also be mailed to our office:
Revive Church9900 View High Drive
Kansas City, MO 64134
When giving, please read the following:
I understand that my financial support will be directed to the area of ministry most needed.
World Revival Church is a Missouri non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation. All gifts are tax deductible.