Severe Weather Plan

Missouri’s unpredictable spring weather is upon us. Your spiritual and physical safety is of utmost importance to us. We have put together a plan for your protection should severe weather approach the Kansas City area.  

Keep in mind that most severe weather is predictable. Therefore, if our area goes into a tornado watch, look for a message from us that says we will be meeting virtually for service. Remember, a watch only means the potential for storms. It does not mean a tornado has been sighted or there will even be one. Tornado watches can often last for hours and during those hours, life goes on. 

Although rare, a tornado can appear without warning when no watch has been issued. If that were to happen and we were at the View High campus, we do have a plan to move everyone to the safest parts of our building, including the basement of the House of Hope and Healing.     However, the most common scenario is that a watch will be issued way in advance of any storms and we will move our services to the Libby Center and have our security department monitor any advancing storms if they do occur. 

We don’t want to live in fear, but we do want to use wisdom and plan ahead for any inclement weather that is part of living in the Midwest.